Plugin installation

The cluster-api-operator plugin can be installed using krew, the kubectl plugin manager.


krew installed on your system. See the krew installation guide for instructions.


  1. Add the cluster-api-operator plugin index to krew:
kubectl krew index add operator
  1. Install the cluster-api-operator plugin:
kubectl krew install operator/clusterctl-operator
  1. Verify the installation:
kubectl operator

This should print help information for the kubectl operator plugin.

The cluster-api-operator plugin is now installed and ready to use with kubectl.

Optionally: installing as a clusterctl plugin

Typically the plugin is installed under ~/.krew/bin/kubectl-operator, which would be present under your $PATH after correct krew installation. If you want to use plugin with clusterctl, you need to rename this file to be prefixed with clusterctl- instead, like so:

cp ~/.krew/bin/kubectl-operator ~/.krew/bin/clusterctl-operator

After that plugin is available to use as a clusterctl plugin:

clusterctl operator --help


To upgrade your plugin with the new release of cluster-api-operator you will need to run:

kubectl krew upgrade